"Veridion Rising" is the long-awaited new Kamino Records compilation, featuring a new generation of super talented artists who are already shaking dancefloors around the world. This collection of carefully produced tracks is a tease of what's coming in the debut albums these artists are crafting!
"Veridion Rising" tells a story of a future where music rises from the ashes to ignite the soul.
Veridion Rising
0 1. Metacorpus - Evolution
02. Logic UFO - Space Awakening
03. Qawaq - Consciousness
04. Frenesi Hertz - Endless Journey
05. Quantum Partickles - Nostalgia Lords
06. Astrologic - Microdot
07. Latino Sauce - Into The Abyss
08. Nyotech - Desert NIght
09. Orvytal - Star people
1 0. Ketek - Tartaria
1 1. Fractaly Noise - Cyber Soul
Artwork by Ketek
Mastered by Kashyyyk at Kamino Masters
A Kamino Records Production 2024